spice world 2019

This once-in-a-lifetime job was awarded to Studio Moross, who asked me to work with them on the 3D elements of the Spice Girls reunion tour show graphics. I developed a number of key looks for specific songs and show acts, designing for stadium screens at massive resolutions. It was a big job that involved a lot of teamwork, but also a lot of creative freedom. 

Live show photography: Luke Dyson and Timmsy

Spice Girls – 14th June 2019 by Luke Dyson – IMG_3406-min
Spice Girls – 14th June 2019 by Luke Dyson – IMG_1192-min

Stop (encore)

The opening song of the encore, featuring the infamous Spice Bus!

Spice Girls – 14th June 2019 by Luke Dyson – IMG_1433-min
Spice Girls – 14th June 2019 by Luke Dyson – IMG_3452-min
Spice Girls – 14th June 2019 by Luke Dyson – IMG_1490-min

Act V: Big Ben and the Ballroom

A dance act during the show starred a look that referenced London's Elizabeth Tower, AKA 'Big Ben'. I modeled the clockface of Big Ben and carried over the clock's features to create a moving clock ring that took centre stage.

Spice Girls – 14th June 2019 by Luke Dyson – IMG_1192-min

Lady Is a Vamp

Working with a lot of neon and rows and rows of lightbulbs, having control over the light switches was key to this look. I developed a setup that could be fully operated through After Effects by using individual light passes.

Spice Girls – 14th June 2019 by Luke Dyson – IMG_1153-min

© 2022, Therese Detje & respective clients